Our identities and sense of self are progressive constructions, formed to, and by our experiences with surrounding environments. Functionally, these conceptual frameworks allow us to demonstrate, observe, process, interpret, and attribute meaning. At Queens College, I am currently double majoring in Sociology and Studio Arts and double minoring in Honors in the Social Sciences and Data Analytics. I hope to apply and enter a PhD program in Sociology in the year following my graduation in 2026.
This website exists as an application and compilation of reflections through multi-media and socially engaged experiments. In particular, I attempt to create metaphors for deviancies normalized and approach challenges of dissociation in spaces beyond conventional mediums. As agents of socialization, this process helps me integrate the different elements of personhood through personal archival works.
In generating what is intrinsically meaningful to me, I study methods which are both accessible and symbolically external. Often times, this process is difficult. It is an imagination of a future, with the primary goal to rehabilitate my own understanding of the world and my relation to it. I hope to encourage others rediscover themselves beyond the identity they determine themselves to be.