Processing The Disinteresting in Life
A collection of drafts made throughout my life, blueprints purposefully excluded from my portfolios throughout the years. This features scrapped projects, failed private commissions, tracings, and outlines which are either incomplete at the moment or would otherwise be disregarded entirely. This assembly represents parts of my artistic process since 2008 and how it has evolved over time to the present day. After a near death experience, a fear that my unfinished works would remain neglected caused me to create this assortment as a way to share with others, my questions and curiosities which I have become disinterested in or distracted from. I dedicate this page to the person I love most in life, someone who has supported me despite my erratic being. Thank you for allowing me to be courageously vulnerable, and experiencing such intimacy in our relationships in consequence of our honesty with one another. This is for your my love.